Hey all,
The countdown is on! I am in my last week at Sapient Corporation. The transition to Calvary Fellowship for my internship begins next Monday! A big thank you to everyone that has participated so far in making this become a reality.
It was a bittersweet moment for my co-workers and I when I broke the news a couple of weeks ago. Of course, to make a career change and leave behind these relationships I've developed with my co-workers is a hard pill to swallow, but they've been nothing but encouraging to me concerning the new direction I'm being led. Some have even used words like "brave" or "gutsy" to describe the change.
And I like that. I would rather live my life like Peter, when he stepped out on to the water, or Abram, when God told him to leave the only land he ever knew, than to live it like the rich man who kept the commandments. He eventually chose his comfort instead of following Jesus. Or take Pontius Pilate as an example. According to the Bible, we see a man who was wholly convinced that Jesus was indeed the king of the Jews, but instead of letting an innocent man go free, he chose instead to retain his power (read: control/status quo) and sent Jesus towards his eventual death.
Already, Renata and I have seen evidence of God working throughout this process. Making hard choices isn't easy, even though we know God is by our side. Peter, within feet of Jesus on the water, was still afraid and began to struggle. With that in mind, we are asking that you don't become lax in supporting us! Please, keep praying for us, emailing us and encouraging us as we step further and further out on to the water.
There are already a lot of great things in the works, and I look forward to keeping you all afloat of the great things this year has in store!
-- Joel
note: If you'd like to commit to supporting us through the rest of 2010, please find the amount the suits you and click the button to begin supporting! Thanks!
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